



I just ran into something in Visual Studio 2010 RC that wasn't previously happening (like, yesterday). No software changes here, but I did run into some muck yesterday when compiling that required a reboot.

I am unable to add LINQ to SQL classes to any project through the add dialog. I have created ASP.NET web sites, ASP.NET MVC projects - both of these as 'templated' and as 'empty' - and there appear to be no templates installed or available.

alt text

I have made sure that the project targets the 4.0 Framework. I can easily add a new database and the ADO.NET entity framework templates are there.

As a workaround I can copy a DBML file to my project, delete all tables and sprocs, update the connection string and use the leftover shell (the designer works fine like this), but it's a pain.

Has anyone else had their templates drop? Figured out how to reinstall them?

+3  A: 

In previous versions of Visual Studio, you were able to "reset" the default template registration using this command line switch when launching VS:

devenv.exe /InstallVSTemplates

I haven't tried it with Visual Studio 2010 yet - but it might be worth a try! It's definitely available - see the MSDN docs on VS 2005 command line switches.

thanks marc, worked a treat. the switch isn't documented in the /? command line prompt, but this worked just the same.cheers,-jc