


+1  Q: 

Firefox CSS error


Please visit with Firefox browser!

After a few clicks on the links page go crazy but only in Firefox, what's the problem? I tried to experiment with anything in css (position, float...) but it doesnt work properly..

Thank you for your answer!

+3  A: 

You should try and make sure your code is valid first:

One thing I noticed right of the bat is that you have a DIV inside of an Anchor.

If you can get your page to pass validation, your problems will most likely solve itself.

True but don't forget that if he has code that generates this he will have to find his bug. Using a validator would not fix this if that is the situation.
Jonathan Czitkovics

Here is your problem: Two divs in an a tag

<a class="link_button" href="">
    <div class="slideshow">
        <img src="images/club/klub_5.jpg"/>
    <div class="link_button_name">MTB Club - Racing Team</div>

You have this problem more than once, I found an other one its similar so I won't post an other snippet.

You most likely have code that generates this layout and its just a logical bug. I noticed that if I click on them a certain way it does this.

There could be more problems.

Jonathan Czitkovics