



I want to position all the divs to line up to the left on the same x coordinate so it looks nice.

Notice the picture below, how based on the number of nested categories the div (and its contents) show up at slightly different x coordinates. I need to have the div's line up at exactly the same x coordinate no matter how deeply nested. Note, the bottom most category always has a div for the content, but that div has to be situated inside the last < li >.

I am using an unordered list to display the menu and thought the best solution would be to grab the root category (Cat 2, and mCat1) and obtain their left offset using jquery, then simply use that value to update the positioning of the div...but I couldn't seem to get it to work just right. I would appreciate any advice or help that you are willing to give.

Heres the HTML

<ul id="nav>
  <li>Cat 2
        <li>sub cat2</li>
         <li>Subcat A
               <li>Subcat A.1

Heres some jquery I tried (I have do insert the div inside this .each() loop in order to retrieve some values, but basically, this selector is grabbing the last < li > in the menu tree and placing a div after it and that is the div that I want to position. the 245 value was something I was playing around with to see how I could get things to line up, and I know its out of wack, but the problem is still the same no matter what I do:

$("#nav li:not(:has(li))").each(function () {
                var self = $(this);
                self.after( '<div id="' + self.attr('p_node') + '_p_cont_div" class="property_position" style="display:none;" /> ' );

        //ROOT - Retrieve the position of the root element in order to place the div in the right spot
        var p = $("#nav li:first");
        var position = p.offset();
        var xbaseLeft = Math.round(position.left);
        $("#nav li:not(:has(li))>div").css('left', xbaseLeft);

Heres the css:

position: relative;
top: 0px;

/* This handles the main root <ul> */
ul#nav div{
  overflow: hidden;

#nav li>a:hover { 
    cursor: pointer;
#nav ul { 
/* This handles any nested <ul>'s inside an id of "#nav" */

#nav li {
vertical-align: top;
list-style-image: none;
clear: both;


alt text

+1  A: 
I updated the picture to show you what happens when I just use the indention. Eventually the box gets pushed too far to the right. I want to avoid that and fix the "left" position to line up with the left position of the root element (ie, the top most icon)...see the yellow folder and the Plus/Minus icons. The top box in the image represents where I want all the boxes to line up.
OK, I think i know what you need. Basically you want each div that is nested inside your list elements to appear, but have the same left margin as your most parent list element. add position:relative; to your most parent list element, then position:absolute; left:0; to your div that needs to line up left. Although there may be trouble with vertical positioning after this.... hmm.
Well, thanks for your help, but absolute cause more problems. the nested li's didn't quite line up and your assumption on vertical position was correct, it caused problems when scrolling and it also failed to push down the content in the other li's, it just pasted the box over it. Any other thoughts?
+2  A: 

You shouldn't need any JavaScript/jQuery for this. CSS is very capable on its own. The CSS that you posted, however, has no effect on your HTML until (and if) the jQuery (which shouldn't be necessary) is executed.

Lists are indented automatically, and I bet that is causing the positioning that you want to correct. Adding this to your CSS should work:

ul, li
    margin: 0;
    padding: 0;

If that doesn't work, you might just have a problem with these CSS declarations being overridden by others more specific, so you would need to make these selectors more specific. If you post a link to the page, we can more easily help you determine what's going on and tell you how to fix it.

Well, I tried that, but it didn't work. Still lined everything up with the indention. I've updated my post with a new image to show what is happening. I want to force the boxes to be left aligned with the top most < li > in my unordered list.
I've also updated the jquery code with another attempt to update the css position of the div.
unfortunately its on I can't post a link to it. I'll research the other css declarations to see if I can figure out where the problems are. Thanks
I've researched all the css and there is nothing overriding the ul or li's. I did update the post with all of my css that handles the menu in hopes that would help shed some light on the problem. The css added is the only place in the program that css for unordered lists occur, so hopefully this will help me solve the problem. So currently, with this css the boxes still line up exactly as they do in the picture I posted. Thanks.