



Hello all,

I'm collecting some thoughts about creating a multisite CMS. In my opinion there are two major approaches.

  1. All data is stored into 1 database, giving me the advantage of single point of updates;
  2. Seperated databases, so each client has its own database. Giving me the advantage to measure bandwith.

Option 1 gives me the disadvantage of measuring bandwith while option is giving me the disadvantage of a single point of update structure. Are there any generic approaches for creating a sort of update system? So my clients can download a small package (maybe a zip with a conf file to tell the updatescript where to put all the files and how to extend the database??)

Do you guys have some thougths about the best solution for a situation like this? I have my own webserver, full access to all resources and I'm developing in PHP with MySQL as DBMS.

I hope to hear from you and I surely appreciate any effort you make to help me further!

Greets from Holland, Ben Fransen