



I have a requirement to have a multiline textbox that accepts any text from any language and stores this into the database for later use.

I am using Linq with ASP .NET 3.5 with a SQL Server 2005 database.

Any/all information you can provide me with is much appreciated :D


You'll need to Encode and Decode the text depending if you're updating/inserting or Viewing the data.

Look at System.Text.Encoding

I will have a look and see what I can find. Thanks :)
Here is a scenario:I have a DetailsView that selects/updates data, via an ObjectDataSource, from the database.I edit the data and save a string that contains "中国".When the data is then displayed in the ItemTemplate, it shows "??" where "中国" was in the string.When I check the value that actually gets saved to the database field, it is "??".While debugging, I can see that it is passing in square/rectangle characters in the place where "中国" should be.

After a lot of research and fretting I found a some stuff I pieced together and used to come up with my ultimate solution. This handles being able to insert any character I could throw at it:

I created 2 methods to handle the 2 scenarios I was looking to solve.

1st going from the user interface to the database. I made sure that my web page was sporting the Unicode(utf-8) encoding content type.

public string unicodeToIso(string InStr)
        if (InStr != null)
            Encoding iso = Encoding.GetEncoding(1252);
            Encoding unicode = Encoding.Unicode;
            byte[] unicodeBytes = unicode.GetBytes(InStr);

            return iso.GetString(unicodeBytes);
            return null;

Then I handled the return of the data to the user interface.

public string isoToUnicode(string InStr)
        if (InStr != null)
            // I originally used the string: "iso8859-1" instead of 1252
            // 1252 helped 'catch' ALL of the Chinese characters as opposed to most
            Encoding iso = Encoding.GetEncoding(1252); 
            Encoding unicode = Encoding.Unicode;
            byte[] isoBytes = iso.GetBytes(InStr);

            return unicode.GetString(isoBytes);
            return null;

I truly hope this helps anyone else out there that may be stumbling on this same problem :)
