




Wanting to use the new text-stroke css attribute on some fonts, but as of this moment, only webkit has support for it.

Are there any cross-browser compatible methods of applying text-stroke?

I have been looking into javascript solutions such as Cufon and there seems to be a feature request put in for supporting it already: Cufon text-stroke feature request. sIFR doesn't seem to support stroke/outlines either..


Ahha! Discovered FLIR shortly after posting this question.

Here is the text-stroke effect example: http://facelift.mawhorter.net/doc/plugins-quickeffects

The quickeffects plugin is included in the download.

A nice drupal module as well for those who are interested: http://drupal.org/project/flir

+1  A: 

It's a bit of a hack, but you can do it using text-shadows in Cufon.

Cufon.replace("h2", {hover:'true', textShadow: "#ff0000 1px 1px, #ff0000 -1px -1px"});

Just use two text-shadows and place them diagonally opposite of each other.

S Pangborn