



Before I start to build this myself I thought I'd ask others to share their experience. What's the best / your favorite way to paginate a dataset with an application built upon Zend_Framework and Doctrine as your ORM?

I'm new to Doctrine.

I'm calling the model directly from a View Helper, bypassing the Controller, although I'm still interested if your solution uses controllers.

I did see one article on this topic:

Devzone has an article using Doctrine, Zend Framework OR Pear, but none of those options mention a #ZF app that uses Doctrine.


In theory, one way is to create a custom data source adapter and plug it into Zend Paginator.

+1  A: 

You don't need anything special.

Look on Github for ready paginator adapter, e.g. this one.

Thanks. Actually @juokaz sent me the link through twitter, and I got it working from within a controller. I'd love another approach through a view helper but this will do the trick if no one has a solution for view helper.
Why can't you move it to the view helper? Just have the model return a Zend_Paginator instance. If you don't know how to fetch the current page when you are not inside of the controller try with Zend_Controller_Front::getInstance()->getRequest()->getParam('page', 1)
Goran Jurić