I wouldn't do that because your Enum declaration is not dynamic, or simpler, it doesn't change without recompiling, while your lookup table may change at any moment. If the Enum's and lookup table's values don't match, what's next?
Another reason is if you change the Enum (in code), you'd have to synchronise it with the database table. Since Enums don't have an incremental key (PK), they can't be synchronised so simple. Let's say you remove one Enum member from your code and recompile it, what is supposed to happen? And if you change a value?
I hope I made my objections to this approach clear. So I strongly recommend storing the name or the value of your enum members. To store it by name, just map like this:
public class MemberMap : ClassMap<Member>
Map(x => x.MembershipLevel, "level")
To store the values, do as @Lachlan posted in his answer.
Or if you really need a lookup table and wants to use an Enum with strict checking, create a normal model with PK (or use value for this), KEY and VALUE. Create your enum with your static members, and make the application query the database for the names and values when you start it. If things don't match, do whatever you need. Additionally, this doesn't guarantee your table won't change while your program is running, so you better be sure it doesn't.