



I'm having some trouble using nHibernate, automapping and a class structure using multiple chains of abstract classes

It's something akin to this

public abstract class AbstractClassA {}

public abstract class AbstractClassB : AbstractClassA {}

public class ClassA : AbstractClassB {}

When I attempt to build these mappings, I receive the following error

"FluentNHibernate.Cfg.FluentConfigurationException was unhandled Message: An invalid or incomplete configuration was used while creating a SessionFactory. Check PotentialReasons collection, and InnerException for more detail.

  • Database was not configured through Database method."

However, if I remove the abstract keyword from AbstractClassB, everything works fine. The problem only occurs when I have more than one abstract class in the class hierarchy.

I've manually configured the automapping to include both AbstractClassA and AbstractClassB using the following binding class

public class BindItemBases : IManualBinding
    public void Bind(FluentNHibernate.Automapping.AutoPersistenceModel model)

I've had to do a bit of hackery to get around this, but there must be a better way to get this working. Surely nHibernate supports something like this, I just haven't figured out how to configure it right.




Why do you include abstract classes in your AutoMappings, are they presented in the database too? Could you provide the inner exception Fluent throws?


With this in place you are trying to map AbstractClassB to the database, which is supposedly not what you want.

I want to include them because there are a few different classes derived from them. If I remove the abstract, things all work fine, but I'd prefer not to do that. If I don't include the base, then the derived classes will each get a table of their own. I don't want that. If I have ClassA derive directly from AbstractClassA, things work exactly how I want. It's when I add the AbstractClassB in the middle it falls over.
Mr Snuffle
Why don't you just exclude AbstractClassB from mappings, while leaving it in as a base class?
If I exclude AbstractClassB from the mappings, I get a mapping exception along the lines of 'An association from the table ClassA refers to an unmapped class: AbstractClassB'
Mr Snuffle
I am puzzled. There should not be an association from ClassA to any abstract class from mappings perspective, so check that your AbstractClassB is not getting mapped by fluent.