+2  A: 

Looking at your link it seems to me that all pub/sub work is done by Nginx, Ruby code is used only to test it and send messages. Clients are still using long polling:

In the script above, every five seconds a publisher emits a new event to our Nginx server, which in turn, pushes the data to two subscribers which have long-polling connections open and are waiting for data. Once the message is sent to each subscriber, Nginx closes their connections and the clients then immediately re-establish them to wait for the next available message.

Nginx serves as simple retranslator for messages (very clever setup BTW, thanks for the link).

To put it short: browsers aren't capable for this sort of connection you trying to do. This is what WebSockets were invented for.

Later i'll make some code in Node.js to use this setup with Nginx (I'm interested in it too).

Kuroki Kaze
Hello thank you for commenting again. I think we both like this technology. I already found out that it still is long polling, but I think this is a little more elegant than traditional long-polling. I have managed to set up a small example using this. I am still busy building on top of it. I will post it when I am done with it, and I am interested in seeing your implementation also.
Saif Bechan
By the way Nginx has also got a module to extract the data from the PHP session. This will completely solve the 'problem' I had with Node.js and the sessions. You solved it a little for me but I think doing it in Nginx is even better, I can just pass it to Node. I am looking forward to your solution regarding nginx's http push. I am stuck on publishing the right way.
Saif Bechan