



I'm trying to make good on a promise I've made to provide a decent set of documentation for a C# component that I've written.

I've done some googling and found templates for software design at high and low level. The problem is that all of the templates seem to be geared towards a complete system design as opposed to individual components and are consequently overkill.

Can anyone please point me in the direction of a template geared towards component documentation?

Many thanks

+1  A: 

Why do you need a template? Simply make a list of the things people need to know in order to use your component, and document those things.

True, but I want to document the decisions, assumptions etc that I made during the design process.
Jason Summers
@Jason By all means do so (once again, I don't see why you need a template), but be aware that very few people will be interested in it.
See this <remarks> and <example> elements of C#'s XML documentation.
Danny Varod
+1  A: 

If the documentation is for programmers - component API documentation, then what is wrong with simply using the build in documentation + sandcastle for generating a help file?

MSDN link

Danny Varod