




Looking for a easy to understand database design intro book and mid level ASP.net book. Do you have any recommandation?

+1  A: 

Database Design for Mere Mortals is probably the best book on the subject. Head First SQL is also pretty good if you're just starting out, but it's more about SQL than database design, per se. The first few chapters take you through the design stage, with MySQL examples, pretty quickly.

Sorry I can't help you out with an ASP.NET suggestion.

Bill the Lizard
+1  A: 

I recommend Professonal ASP.NET. I also recommend Scott Guthrie's blog (ASP.NET PM at Microsoft) and Scott Hanselman's blog.

For databases I learned a lot reading Refactoring Databases although that's probably too deep as a first book on databases.

Gunnar Steinn

FOr the database books, you could also look for Rebecca Riordan's two books Designing Effect Database Systems and Seeing Data. Both are good reads and worth seeking out. There's also an interview with her on Simple-Talk where she talks about her books and the one's she read during her formative years.

As for an ASP.NET book, Scott Hanselman's Professional ASP.NET 3.5 is excellent and Jesse Liberty's Programming ASP.NET 3.5 is likewise pretty solid and mid-level. (Disclaimer: I helped Jesse update the latter book)
