



I have the following tables:

posts (post_id, content, etc) 

comments (comment_id, post_id, content, etc)

posts_categories (post_category_id, post_id, category_id)

and this query:

SELECT `p`.*
     , COUNT(comments.comment_id) AS cmts
     , posts_categories.*
     , comments.* 
  FROM `posts` AS `p` 
  LEFT JOIN `posts_categories` 
    ON `p`.post_id = `posts_categories`.post_id 
  LEFT JOIN `comments` 
    ON `p`.post_id = `comments`.post_id 
GROUP BY `p`.`post_id`

There are three comments on post_id=1 and four in total. In posts_categories there are two rows, both assigned to post_id=1. I have four rows in posts.

But if I query the statement above I get a result of 6 for COUNT(comments.comment_id) at post_id=1. How is this possible? I guess the mistake is somewhere in the GROUP BY clause but I can't figure out where.

Any suggestions?


My guess is you have more than one category involved!


SELECT P.post_id
     , PC.post_category_id
     , COUNT(C.comment_id) AS cmts
  FROM `posts` AS P 
  LEFT JOIN `posts_categories` as PC
    ON `p`.post_id = `posts_categories`.post_id 
  LEFT JOIN `comments` as C
    ON P.post_id = C.post_id 
GROUP BY P.post_id, PC.post_category_id

give you an 'understandable' result?

BTW You should have all fields in the GROUP BY clause that are not aggregated...

In mysql it is not required to list all fields in GROUP BY, but then it leads to the above described problems with count
What about the post_category_id? Did you try the query. If you don't understand what I mean, look at @Adam Bernier's answer.
Does not work for me, I left out GROUP_CONCAT to make the query easier. Thanks anyway

You get six (6) comments because your resultset looks something like this:
(note the two groups of three rows each; one for each post category—abbreviated as pcat*)

post_id  cmts  post_cat  comments
1        6     pcat1     comment text...
1        6     pcat1     comment text...
1        6     pcat1     comment text...
1        6     pcat2     comment text...
1        6     pcat2     comment text...
1        6     pcat2     comment text...

You can do something like this instead:

  SELECT `p`.post_id, 
         COUNT(comments.comment_id) AS cmts, 
         COUNT(posts_categories.) AS categories
    FROM `posts` AS `p` 
         LEFT JOIN `posts_categories` 
         ON `p`.post_id = `posts_categories`.post_id 
         LEFT JOIN `comments` 
         ON `p`.post_id = `comments`.post_id 
GROUP BY `p`.`post_id`
Adam Bernier
Sorry but I always get 6 comments which is definetely wrong. I might not have explained enough what I wanted to get, thanks anyway.
+1  A: 

As a first approximation try

SELECT `p`.*
     , COUNT(DISTINCT comments.comment_id) AS cmts
     , posts_categories.*
     , comments.* 
  FROM `posts` AS `p` 
  LEFT JOIN `posts_categories` 
    ON `p`.post_id = `posts_categories`.post_id 
  LEFT JOIN `comments` 
    ON `p`.post_id = `comments`.post_id 
GROUP BY `p`.`post_id`


However, COUNT(DISTINCT field) is more expensive then COUNT(field) and should be avoided if not necessary. Since you are not expecting it, I would say that in your case it is not necessary.

Your problem arises from the fact that your joins return 3 (comments) x 2 (categories) = 6 rows. I don't know what do you use the results for, but maybe you should re-think your query.
