



Let's say I have a class called Medium which can represent different types of media. For instance:

  • uploaded video
  • embedded video
  • uploaded image
  • embedded image

I represent these types with contants, like this:

class MediumAbstract
    const UPLOAD       = 0x0001;
    const EMBED        = 0x0010;
    const VIDEO        = 0x0100;
    const IMAGE        = 0x1000;

    const VIDEO_UPLOAD = 0x0101; // for convenience
    const VIDEO_EMBED  = 0x0110; // for convenience
    const IMAGE_UPLOAD = 0x1001; // for convenience
    const IMAGE_EMBED  = 0x1010; // for convenience

    const ALL          = 0x1111; // for convenience

Thus, it is easy for me to do a combined search on them on an (abstract) repository, with something like:

    public function findAllByType( $type )

$media = $repo->findAllByType( MediumAbstract::VIDEO | MediumAbstract::IMAGE_UPLOAD );
// or
$media = $repo->findAllByType( MediumAbstract::ALL );
// etc..

How do you feel about using these constant values in a concrete repository like a database? Is it ok? Or should I substitute them with meaningful data in the database.

Table medium:

| id |                type | location    | etc..
|  1 | use constants here? | /some/path  | etc..

(Of course I'll only be using the meaningful constants: VIDEO_UPLOAD, VIDEO_EMBED, IMAGE_UPLOAD and IMAGE_EMBED)


In mySQL, I would use SET. They are stored internally using the smallest amount of data, but give you a predefined clear text representation of the value:

SET('UPLOAD','EMBED','VIDEO','IMAGE); // costs 1 byte

Documentation on SET

You can apply database queries: SELECT * FROM table WHERE type IN ("UPLOAD", "EMBED")

If you use that, it would probably be easier to make the constants match the string values:

class MediumAbstract
    const UPLOAD       = "UPLOAD";
    const EMBED        = "EMBED";
    const VIDEO        = "VIDEO";
    const IMAGE        = "IMAGE";

(What you're doing right now: 0x0001 is not a bit mask anyway, but a hexadecimal value, isn't it? More here)

Hi Pekka, thanks for your answer. Good that you mention mysql, as this is my DB of choice. So I added the tag. I believe the hex representation is still considered a bitmask as it still allows bitwise operations on them (not completely sure though). The hex values just illustrate the values more clear. See also about this. Your solution is sound, but doesn't allow the bitwise operations on them. And I like using bitwise operations. That's why I asked the question.