I am reading a open source project, and I found there is a function which read 3D data(let's say a character) from obj file, and draw it . the source code:
List<Vertex3f> verts=new List<Vertex3f>();
List<Vertex3f> norms=new List<Vertex3f>();
Groups=new List<ToothGroup>();
//ArrayList ALf=new ArrayList();//faces always part of a group
List<Face> faces=new List<Face>();
MemoryStream stream=new MemoryStream(buffer);
using(StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(stream)){
String line;
Vertex3f vertex;
string[] items;
string[] subitems;
Face face;
ToothGroup group=null;
while((line = sr.ReadLine()) != null) {
|| line.StartsWith("mtllib")//material library. We build our own.
|| line.StartsWith("usemtl")//use material
|| line.StartsWith("o")) {//object. There's only one object
if(line.StartsWith("v ")) {//vertex
items=line.Split(new char[] { ' ' });
vertex=new Vertex3f();//float[3];
if(flipHorizontally) {
else {
And why it need to read the data manually in directX? As far as I know, in XDA programming, we just need to call a function a load the resource.
Is this because it is in DirectX, there is no function to read resource? If yes, then how to prepare the 3D resource ? in XDA we just need to use other software draw the 3D picture and then export. but what should I do in DirectX?