



OK, I know there are quite a few posts on this topic. However, none of them provide the solution to my issue: I don't want just to turn off my monitor(s), I wish my code to turn off a specific monitor. The URL the most people refer to,, doesn't help here, as it turns off all the displays.

So, I have my laptop screen and an additional external monitor. While I'm watching movies, I switch the display to the external monitor and my laptop screen goes black, however, it's still on and glowing in the dark. I wish to turn it off. Could anyone help please?

EDIT: Is there any way to acomplish this, meaning it needn't have to be written in .Net. Basically, I just need an .exe file that's able to turn the particular monitor off and on alternately.

+2  A: 

It looks like there's no good way of turning off a specific monitor, but it is possible to set your laptop's backlight to minimum brightness. Depending on which version of Windows you have, there are different ways to do it:

Thank you for your answer. If no solution turns up, it appears that I'd have to satisfy myself with lowering the brightness.