Here's an implementation that compiles and works, although it's still somewhat rough. It requires that the input state array properly account for the entire time range of interest (end - start), but it would be trivial to add a bit of code that would make the final state fill up the time not accounted for in the first N-1 states. I also modified your structure definitions to use ints instead of longs for the durations, just to simplify things a bit.
For clarity (and laziness) I omitted all error checking. It works fine for the inputs like the ones you described, but it's by no means bulletproof.
public static Interval[] GetRandomIntervals( DateTime start, DateTime end,
StateSummary[] states, int totalIntervals )
Random r = new Random();
// stores the number of intervals to generate for each state
int[] intervalCounts = new int[states.Length];
int intervalsTemp = totalIntervals;
// assign at least one interval for each of the states
for( int i = 0; i < states.Length; i++ )
intervalCounts[i] = 1;
intervalsTemp -= states.Length;
// assign remaining intervals randomly to the various states
while( intervalsTemp > 0 )
int iState = r.Next( states.Length );
intervalCounts[iState] += 1;
intervalsTemp -= 1;
// make a scratch copy of the state array
StateSummary[] statesTemp = (StateSummary[])states.Clone();
List<Interval> result = new List<Interval>();
DateTime next = start;
while( result.Count < totalIntervals )
// figure out which state this interval will go in (this could
// be made more efficient, but it works just fine)
int iState = r.Next( states.Length );
if( intervalCounts[iState] < 1 )
intervalCounts[iState] -= 1;
// determine how long the interval should be
int length;
if( intervalCounts[iState] == 0 )
// last one for this state, use up all remaining time
length = statesTemp[iState].TotalSeconds;
// use up at least one second of the remaining time, but
// leave some time for the remaining intervals
int maxLength = statesTemp[iState].TotalSeconds -
length = r.Next( 1, maxLength + 1 );
// keep track of how much time is left to assign for this state
statesTemp[iState].TotalSeconds -= length;
// add a new interval
Interval interval = new Interval();
interval.State = states[iState].State;
interval.Date = next;
interval.Duration = length;
result.Add( interval );
// update the start time for the next interval
next += new TimeSpan( 0, 0, length );
return result.ToArray();