There is a penalty for setting up all the possible properties you might need from the start.
If you use a regular db.Model, then every property will be serialized whenever you put() it. This includes overhead for the name of the property as well as the value. This overhead is present even if the property's value is not required and is set to None! (Though setting the value to None seems to result in a slightly smaller protobuf representation).
On the other hand, if you use db.Expando and don't specify the properties which might not appear, then only the dynamic properties which are actually present on a model will be serialized. Dynamic properties which are not present are not serialized at all => no overhead. However, if you explicitly declare (fixed) properties on the model then you will have the exact same overhead as a regular db.Model (there is no difference in the serialization of fixed properties between regular models and expando models).
In practice, I don't know if the overhead of using fixed properties will be enough to noticeably impact performance, but it will most certainly eat up a little more storage space and CPU time to serialize even empty fixed fields.
If I were you, I'd go with an expando model and dynamic properties.
Example app which demonstrates what I described above:
from google.appengine.ext import db, webapp
from google.appengine.ext.webapp.util import run_wsgi_app
# all model names equal length because they get serialized too
class EmptyModel(db.Model):
class TestVModel(db.Model):
value = db.IntegerProperty(required=False)
class TestExpand(db.Expando):
class MainPage(webapp.RequestHandler):
def get(self):
self.response.headers['Content-Type'] = 'text/plain'
# create an empty model, one with a prop = None, and one with a prop set
tEmpty = EmptyModel()
tNone = TestVModel()
tVal = TestVModel(value=5)
# do the same but using an expando model with a dynamic property
eEmpty = TestExpand()
eNone = TestExpand()
eNone.value = None
eVal = TestExpand()
eVal.value = 5
# determine the serialized size of each model (note: no keys assigned)
fEncodedSz = lambda o : len(db.model_to_protobuf(o).Encode())
szEmpty = fEncodedSz(tEmpty)
szNone = fEncodedSz(tNone)
szVal = fEncodedSz(tVal)
szEEmpty = fEncodedSz(eEmpty)
szENone = fEncodedSz(eNone)
szEVal = fEncodedSz(eVal)
# output the results
self.response.out.write("Comparison of model sizes with fixed props with expando models\nwith dynamic props:\n\n")
self.response.out.write("Model: empty=>%dB prop=None=>%dB prop=Val=>%dB\n" %\
(szEmpty, szNone, szVal))
self.response.out.write("Expando: empty=>%dB prop=None=>%dB prop=Val=>%dB\n\n" %\
(szEEmpty, szENone, szEVal))
self.response.out.write("Note that the expando property which specifies *no* value for the\ndynamic property 'value' is smaller than if 'None' is assigned.")
application = webapp.WSGIApplication([('/', MainPage)])
def main(): run_wsgi_app(application)
if __name__ == '__main__': main()
Comparison of model sizes with fixed props with expando models
with dynamic props:
Model: empty=>30B prop=None=>43B prop=Val=>45B
Expando: empty=>30B prop=None=>43B prop=Val=>45B
Note that the expando property which specifies *no* value for the
dynamic property 'value' is smaller than if 'None' is assigned.