




I have a problem with li, when I take li in inline display with list-style (bullet-point ), then bullet-points don't show.

+7  A: 

bullet-point is not a valid value for list-style. Instead, use one of these:

  • none No marker
  • circle The marker is a circle
  • disc The marker is a filled circle. This is default
  • square The marker is a square
  • armenian The marker is traditional Armenian numbering
  • decimal The marker is a number
  • decimal-leading-zero The marker is a number padded by initial zeros (01, 02, 03, etc.)
  • georgian The marker is traditional Georgian numbering (an, ban, gan, etc.)
  • lower-alpha The marker is lower-alpha (a, b, c, d, e, etc.)
  • lower-greek The marker is lower-greek (alpha, beta, gamma, etc.)
  • lower-latin The marker is lower-latin (a, b, c, d, e, etc.)
  • lower-roman The marker is lower-roman (i, ii, iii, iv, v, etc.)
  • upper-alpha The marker is upper-alpha (A, B, C, D, E, etc.)
  • upper-latin The marker is upper-latin (A, B, C, D, E, etc.)
  • upper-roman The marker is upper-roman (I, II, III, IV, V, etc.)
  • inherit Specifies that the value of the list-style-type property should be inherited from the parent element

Click through to read more about this, including browser support

Michael Haren
I don't think this is what shivlal was asking. Notice the "`inline` display" in the question.
If an LI's display is set to inline, it will still have a bullet unless the list-style is busted. If poster is trying to throw <li> tags anywhere, not just within a UL or OL...that's an entirely different question...
Michael Haren
+1  A: 

If you need crossbrowser compatibility

Here are 2 methods

  1. Use images li {background-image:url(bullet.gif) no-repeat center left;padding-left:20px;display:inline;}

  2. or use &bull; like this <li>&bull; Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet</li>

"...compatibility without" - what? :) And while you're at it, perhaps it ought to be spelled "methods", not "mrthods".

i think you'd have to use float if you want to show the list items flowed and not as block plus see the bullets

but still bullet will not show on IE

Do you have margins/padding set for the ul or li's? Do you have a browser reset in your stylesheet setting list-style-type to none? I'm guessing it's one of those two things.

See Michael Haren's answer.
+3  A: 

The list bullets show up because <li> elements have display: list-item by default. If you change it to anything else (e.g., display: inline or even display: block), the bullets are gone.

If you want to accomplish horizontal menus, you have two possibilities:

  1. Leave the default display attribute and play with float instead
  2. Simulate bullets with background images
Álvaro G. Vicario
This is great to remember for DEstyling list items. Thanks!

Another option, unfortunately not cross-browser:

    display: inline;
    content: '•';
    padding: 0 .5em;