



I have a TableView and I wish to be able to press several cells one after the other and have messages appear. At the moment the cells are often unresponsive. I found some coed for a similar problem someone was kind enough to post, however, although he claimed it worked 100% it doesn't work for me. The app won't even build. Here's the code:

-(UIView*) hitTest:(CGPoint)point withEvent:(UIEvent*)event

{ // check to see if the hit is in this table view if ([self pointInside:point withEvent:event]) { UITableViewCell* newCell = nil;

    // hit is in this table view, find out 
    // which cell it is in (if any)
    for (UITableViewCell* aCell in self.visibleCells) {
        if ([aCell pointInside:[self convertPoint:point toView:aCell] withEvent:nil]) {
            newCell = aCell;

    // if it touched a different cell, tell the previous cell to resign
    // this gives it a chance to hide the keyboard or date picker or whatever
    if (newCell != activeCell) {
        [activeCell resignFirstResponder];
        self.activeCell = newCell;   // may be nil

// return the super's hitTest result
return [super hitTest:point withEvent:event];   


With this code I get this warning: that my viewController may not respond to pointsInside:withEvent (it's a TableViewController).

I also get some faults: request for member 'visibleCells' in something not a structure or a union. incompatible type for argument 1 of pointInsideWithEvent, expression does not have a valid object type and similar. I must admit I'm not so good at reading other people's code but I was wondering whether the problems here are obvious and if so if anyone could give me a pointer it would be greatly appreciated.