I am having trouble loading a quiz.swf into another another movie.
To generate my quiz I goto File > New > Templates > Quiz > Quiz_style_1
and in the first frame of the example quiz I add
stop(); // To prevent playback
this._lockroot = true; // to preserve the heirarchy
Then I publish the quiz as testquizex.swf, and I can test this movie and it works fine by itself.
Then in a different movie I start with a blank scene I add a keyframe and I insert
var mc:MovieClip = this.createEmptyMovieClip("mc", this.getNextHighestDepth());
Now the movie imports and loads into the frame and I can navigate through to the first question page, but the quiz doesn't actually work anymore i.e. drop targets dont work and the score won't increase. Is there anything else I have to do to the stock quiz template to make it importable into another project?