





We have an ASP.net MVC web app with SQL Server back end. The app manages projects and has a number of companies and contacts stored in it. Is it possible to expose this in any way so that PC and Mac clients can use this as an address book when sending email or to view contact details when off-line?

I have found the following options so far:

1) This article describes mimicking a Sharepoint contact provider but it is old and people seem to have had issues http://blogs.msdn.com/toub/archive/2004/12/22/330125.aspx

2) Use the Soocial API at www.soocial.com/support/developers but it means a dependency on a third party service

3) Just allow vCard export

Does anyone have any good ideas or suggestions? I was hoping there would be some kind of feed like approach for contacts like using iCal for calendars!

Read only would be fine to start with.

Thanks, Simon