In Blend:
- Create a rectangle. Set stroke to No Brush and Fill to Tile Brush.
- For the ImageBrush of the Tile Brush, select your image.
- In the object browser, select the rectangle, right click > Path > Convert to Path.
- Use the pen tool to add some points to the path.
- Add a storyboard.
- Add a keyframe at 1 second. Blend will go into record mode
- Use the direct selection tool to move the points into the polygon shape you want. Test out your animation.
At this point, the image morphs into a shape, but the image is still there. If you need to remove the image as well as morph it:
- In your storyboard, at the keyframe at 1 second, change the opacity to 0.
- Create a copy of the rectangle, but make sure fill is set to No Brush and Stroke is set to a color and width. Set the opacity to 0.
- Add points, and mimic the animation you just set up for the image's rectangle.
- Add a keyframe at 1 second for this element. In record mode, change the opacity to 100%.
The end result will be both paths morphing, the one with the image fading out while the one with no fill fading in.