given a database schemas, is it possible to automatically generate forms for crud operations on the tables?
MetaWidget was designed for this.
Given that the JPA model contains almost all information necessary for a basic CRUD interface, it's astonishing that there are only so few implementations.
Aaron Digulla
2010-04-06 13:58:19
anything that bundles OIM with ORM together ?
2010-05-03 14:31:09
There are several projects that attempt to ease these common operations.
These are some of the "quick start applications" that intend to have a functional layered project in a few minutes and also provide DAO/service generations from the database schema.
2010-04-06 14:00:52
If you use Seam, and using seam-gen it can generate an entire functional crud for you by providing a database.
2010-04-07 08:43:14
looks hopeful ... any hints on how to do it with glassfish V3 ? i am hoping not to deploy another webapp.
2010-05-03 14:35:49
Shouldn't be too difficult. I know there where some work being done to make this work nicely on Glassfish V3. But I haven't tried it my self. But I am pretty sure it works fine, as many forum postings are about people using Seam with Glassfish
2010-05-03 14:59:53