



For a simple simulation in C, I need to generate exponential random variables. I remember reading somewhere (but I can't find it now, and I don't remember why) that using the rand() function to generate random integers in a fixed range would generate non-uniformly distributed integers. Because of this, I'm wondering if this code might have a similar problem:

//generate u ~ U[0,1]
u = (   (double)rand() / ((double)(RAND_MAX));
//inverse of exponential CDF to get exponential random variable
expon = -log(1-u) * mean;

Thank you!

+2  A: 

In theory, at least, rand() should give you a discrete uniform distribution from 0 to RAND_MAX... in practice, it has some undesirable properties, such as a small period, so whether it's useful depends on how you're using it.

+4  A: 

The problem with random numbers in a fixed range is that a lot of people do this for numbers between 100 and 200 for example:

100 + rand() % 100

That is not uniform. But by doing this it is (or is close enough to uniform at least):

u = 100 + 100 * ((double)rand() / ((double)(RAND_MAX));

Since that's what you're doing, you should be safe.

Matt B.
+1  A: 

RAND_MAX is usually 32k, while the LCG rand() uses generates pseudorandom 32 bit numbers. Thus, the lack of uniformity, as well as low periodicity, will generally go unnoticed.

If you require high quality pseudorandom numbers, you could try George Marsaglia's CMWC4096 (Complementary Multiply With Carry). This is probably the best pseudorandom number generator around, with extreme periodicity and uniform distribution (you just have to pick good seeds for it). Plus, it's blazing fast (not as fast as a LCG, but approximately twice as fast as a Mersenne Twister.

+1  A: 

Yes and no. The problem you're thinking of arises when you're clamping the output from rand() into a range that's smaller than RAND_MAX (i.e. there are fewer possible outputs than inputs).

In your case, you're (normally) reversing that: you're taking a fairly small number of bits produced by the random number generator, and spreading them among what will usually be a larger number of bits in the mantissa of your double. That means there are normally some bit patterns in the double (and therefore, specific values of the double) that can never occur. For most people's uses that's not a problem though.

As far as the "normally" goes, it's always possible that you have a 64-bit random number generator, where a double typically has a 53-bit mantissa. In this case, you could have the same kind of problem as with clamping the range with integers.

Jerry Coffin