I'm wondering whether something like this is possible (and relatively easy to do), and if so, how I could do it?
I would like to do band filtering on a wave file I'm reproducing. Something similar to the "Equalizer" you see in most Winamp-like applications.
My idea is, however, not to equalize the sound, but to use very high negative dB values, to almost kill the band I'm filtering.
The first question is: Does DirectSound give me something that allows me to do this?
If not: How would you go around implementing this?
I know (although I don't quite understand it completely) that you can convert from the sampled waveform to the distribution of frequencies using a Fast Fourier Transform. Now, I obviously can't go back from that distribution to the original waveform after changing the amplitude values of certain frequencies :-)
How could I do something like this?
Also, how precise can I make these filters? (If I wanted to filter out everything from 2250Hz to 2275Hz, what would be the error a filter would have? What would the maximum precision that I can get depend on?)