



Okay, I have a WebBrowser control in my VB.NET application that loads a PHP page inside it. On the PHP page I have a 'Log Out' hyperlink. What I'm trying to do is close the VB.NET form when that hyperlink is clicked. Can anyone tell me how to accomplish this - assuming it's even possible?


Here's an example that may help you:

Interacting with the Web Browser Control

@roy: -1: please don't answer a question with just a link. Please give a summary of what's _at_ the link, so a reader can decide whether to click the link. Do that and I'll remove the downvote.
John Saunders
@Robert Harvey - Thanks for the edit, I didn't get a chance to elaborate as I was called away from my computer.

Okay, I figured this one out. I just had the browser control check the URL after it loaded the login page and forced it to close the form that way.
