



I'm writing a widget with the following markup:

<g:HTMLPanel ui:field="shortcutPanel" styleName="{style.shortcut}">
    <g:Image ui:field="shortcutImage"></g:Image>
    <span ui:field="shortcutLabel"></span>

So essentially a div that wraps and image and a label. Now, instead of adding the event handlers on the image/span, I'd like an onClick to be associated with the HTMLPanel. My problem however is that gwt tells me that

shortcutPanel doesn't not have an addClickHandler method associated

So I'm assuming the difference is that HTMLPanel doesn't implement HasClickHandlers or something along that line. I'm wondering then what is the standard way to attach a click handler to a Ui element such as an HTMLPanel or even better, is there such a GWT Widget that is essentially a div wrapper that I can easily attach events to with the @UiHandler annotation.


I haven't done this before, but you could do the following -

  • Create a custom class MyPanel that extends HTMLPanel and implements HasClickHandlers
  • Add the following method in

    public HandlerRegistration addClickHandler(ClickHandler handler) { return addDomHandler(handler, ClickEvent.getType()); }

  • Then replace HTMLPanel with MyPanel in your ui.xml and its corresponding java implementation.

You can always look at the implementation of HTMLTable to get an understanding of how the event propagation works. Its a Panel, and implements HashClickHandlers.

cool thanks, i'll try that when i get a chance
+2  A: 

You are probably looking for FocusPanel - it has all the goodies: HasAllFocusHandlers, HasAllKeyHandlers, HasAllMouseHandlers, HasBlurHandlers, HasClickHandlers.... to name a few :) I find it to be the easiest and best way to attach click handlers to a Panel.

Igor Klimer
That worked Thanks! I had to modify my markup to have a FlowPanel directly under the FocusPanel that wraps the label and image, since FlowPanel is a SimplePanel and can only have one widget. Other than that, worked like a charm. My only beef is that it produces a bit of extra, unnecessary markup which I'm not a fan of, but I'm quickly realizing that people don't seem to care about that in the GWT world.