I know it is weird but when I put this code between <head runat="server"></head>
in master.page, this is how it renders into:
<link id="ctl00_Link1" rel="shortcut icon" href="../%3C%25%20ResolveUrl(%22~/Resources/Pictures/Shared/Misc/favicon.ico%22);%20%25%3E" type="image/x-icon" />
It doesn't see something asp.net needs to take care of.
This is the original code :
<link id="Link1" rel="shortcut icon" href='<%=ResolveUrl("~/Resources/Pictures/Shared/Misc/favicon.ico") %>' type="image/x-icon" runat="server" />
Basically Asp.Net doesn't take care of the code below and renders as a normal html.
How can I get over this problem?
Thanks in advance...
Edit and Resolved
Okay people, there is no way for doing this. I've finally figured out because ResolveUrl or ResolveClientUrl is only working for these below :
@import '<%= ResolveUrl("~/Resources/Styles/MainMaster/MainDesign.css") %>';
<script src='Resources/Scripts/Libraries/jquery-1.4.2.js' type="text/javascript"</script>
it is too literal for link so you need to put link elements in body tag like :
<link id="iconOne" rel="shortcut icon" type="image/x-icon" href="Resources/Pictures/Shared/Misc/favicon.ico"/>
<link id="iconTwo" rel="icon" href='Resources/Pictures/Shared/Misc/favicon.ico' type="image/ico" />