




hi all,

so i'm pretty new to visual basic and i needed some functionality.

A drawing pad has been created and several buttons on it( on the form , see the screenshot). Each button represents a drawable figure. I've created a screenshot for you to see.


So if you click for instance the rectangle you can draw a rectangle. ( it has been drawn already because i've click and dragged with my mouse ) If you click on the arc or the star , you can draw a star or arc.

This is the tricky part , I want to create a textbox just like when I'm creating my rectangle ( i've already added a button to the collection in the toolbar, it's the button T ) My rectangle class looks like this and inherits from Drawable class ( the star and arc class also inherit from this class ).

Imports System.Math
Imports System.Xml.Serialization

<Serializable()> _
Public Class DrawableRectangle
    Inherits Drawable

    ' Constructors.'
    Public Sub New()
    End Sub
    Public Sub New(ByVal fore_color As Color, ByVal fill_color As Color, Optional ByVal line_width As Integer = 0, Optional ByVal new_x1 As Integer = 0, Optional ByVal new_y1 As Integer = 0, Optional ByVal new_x2 As Integer = 1, Optional ByVal new_y2 As Integer = 1)
        MyBase.New(fore_color, fill_color, line_width)

        X1 = new_x1
        Y1 = new_y1
        X2 = new_x2
        Y2 = new_y2
    End Sub

    ' Draw the object on this Graphics surface.'
    Public Overrides Sub Draw(ByVal gr As System.Drawing.Graphics)
        ' Make a Rectangle representing this rectangle.'
        Dim rect As Rectangle = GetBounds()

        ' Fill the rectangle as usual.'
        Dim fill_brush As New SolidBrush(FillColor)
        gr.FillRectangle(fill_brush, rect)

        ' See if we're selected.'
        If IsSelected Then
            ' Draw the rectangle highlighted.'
            Dim highlight_pen As New Pen(Color.Yellow, LineWidth)
            gr.DrawRectangle(highlight_pen, rect)

            ' Draw grab handles.'
            ' Trace.WriteLine("drawing the lines for the rectangles")
            DrawGrabHandle(gr, X1, Y1)
            DrawGrabHandle(gr, X1, Y2)
            DrawGrabHandle(gr, X2, Y2)
            DrawGrabHandle(gr, X2, Y1)
            ' Just draw the rectangle.'
            Dim fg_pen As New Pen(ForeColor, LineWidth)
            gr.DrawRectangle(fg_pen, rect)

        End If
    End Sub

    ' Return the object's bounding rectangle.'
    Public Overrides Function GetBounds() As System.Drawing.Rectangle
        Return New Rectangle( _
            Min(X1, X2), _
            Min(Y1, Y2), _
            Abs(X2 - X1), _
            Abs(Y2 - Y1))
    End Function

    ' Return True if this point is on the object.'
    Public Overrides Function IsAt(ByVal x As Integer, ByVal y As Integer) As Boolean
        Return (x >= Min(X1, X2)) AndAlso _
               (x <= Max(X1, X2)) AndAlso _
               (y >= Min(Y1, Y2)) AndAlso _
               (y <= Max(Y1, Y2))
    End Function

    ' Move the second point.'
    Public Overrides Sub NewPoint(ByVal x As Integer, ByVal y As Integer)
        X2 = x
        Y2 = y
    End Sub

    ' Return True if the object is empty (e.g. a zero-length line).'
    Public Overrides Function IsEmpty() As Boolean
        Return (X1 = X2) AndAlso (Y1 = Y2)
    End Function
End Class

Now I figured in my draw function I already tried something like

ORIGINAL Else ' Just draw the rectangle.'

Dim fg_pen As New Pen(ForeColor, LineWidth) gr.DrawRectangle(fg_pen, rect) fg_pen.Dispose()



        Dim fg_pen As New Pen(ForeColor, LineWidth)
        Dim drawFont As New Font("Arial", 13, FontStyle.Bold)

        'with inputbox    'gr.DrawString(InputBox("Here input", , , 10, 10), drawFont, Brushes.Blue, X1, Y1)   
        gr.DrawString("Testing the drawstring", drawFont, Brushes.Brown, X1, Y1)

I was reading into the DrawTextBox object and i had a feeling i could use this as a solution to my problem. ( i can only post one hyperlink else I would have posted the link for the msdn website)

My questions are

a) is this indeed possible or do I need to do something else? b) if a is possible , what's the best way to realize this in my DrawableTextBox class