I had this same problem and solved this way:
make sure you have installed only the gem ruby-mysql and not the gem mysql. For me, now:
$ gem list --local | grep mysql
ruby-mysql (2.9.2)
If that is not the case, uninstall
$ sudo gem uninstall mysql
(I uninstalled every gem with mysql in its name) and then reinstalled ruby-mysql.
In my case, because I have mysql installed in a usb disk the installation command was:
sudo env ARCHFLAGS="-arch i386" gem install ruby-mysql --
(and I was using the 32bits binary for MacOs, don't know if that applies for you)
Finally, my ruby test program was
require 'rubygems'
require 'mysql'
dbh = Mysql.real_connect('localhost', 'root', 'your password', 'TEST')
res = dbh.query("select * from Persons;");
puts res.class
res.each do |row|
puts row.join(" ")