I would like to iterate a calculation over a column of values in a MySQL database. I wondered if Django had any built-in functionality for doing this. Previously, I have just used the following to store each column as a list of tuples with the name table_column:
import MySQLdb
import sys
conn = MySQLdb.connect (host = "localhost",
user = "user",
except MySQLdb.Error, e:
print "Error %d: %s" % (e.args[0], e.args[1])
sys.exit (1)
cursor = conn.cursor()
for table in ['foo', 'bar']:
for column in ['foobar1', 'foobar2']:
cursor.execute('select %s from %s' % (column, table))
exec "%s_%s = cursor.fetchall()" % (table, column)
Is there any functionality built into Django to more conveniently iterate through the values of a column in a database table? I'm dealing with millions of rows so speed of execution is important.
[SOLVED] Thanks everyone. I used the built-in iterator, combined with the values_list() call for performance optimization. Note that calling values() will return dicts, which are slow to iterate over, whereas values_list() returns much faster tuples. So, for example, if I want to iterate over every row of the column 'foobar1', in the table 'foo', I can obtain an iterator in the following way:
foobar1_iterator = foo.objects.values_list('foobar1').iterator()
Suppose I want to iterate over i to produce a list of all row values of 'foobar1'. Then simply do this:
foobar1_list = [i for i in foobar1_iterator]