



I have a usercontrol in an asp web forms application that I am working on in C#.

I am binding to a repeater and outputting a field of information, named "Text", using the following syntax:

<%# DataBinder.Eval(Container.DataItem, "Text") %>

I am looking for a method that will allow my to search for a keyword within the string that is returned from above, and replace that string with a hyperlink such as

<a href="">keyword</a>.

I'm not very familiar with user controls and getting data back in this manner so I am looking for advice on how this might be best handled.



You should be able to use the OnItemDataBound event to check the value before you display it to the user.

Create a new method in your codebehind and set the OnItemDataBound="newmethod" so everytime an item gets bound it will call the method. Then in the method you check the data and if it needs to be change to a hyperlink you can change it at that time.

Dan H
+4  A: 

Hook into the Repeater's OnItemDataBound event.

The example on the linked documentation page does almost exactly what you want to do - it finds a label control in the item and updates the text. You should be able to modify it from there to do a string find/replace.

Thanks for the link Womp. That was excatly what I was looking for!
Richard West