



I am sending mails (in ,c#), having a template in text file (.txt) like below

User Name :<User Name>

Address : <Address>.

I used to replace the words within the angle brackets in the text file using the below code

StreamReader sr;
sr = File.OpenText(HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath(txt));

copy = sr.ReadToEnd();

sr.Close(); //close the reader

copy = copy.Replace(word.ToUpper(),"#" + word.ToUpper()); //remove the word specified UC

//save new copy into existing text file

FileInfo newText = new FileInfo(HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath(txt));

StreamWriter newCopy = newText.CreateText();

Now I have a new problem,

the user will be adding new words within an angle, say for eg, they will be adding <Salary>.

In that case i have to read out and find the word <Salary>.

In other words, I have to find all the words, that are located with the angle brackets (<>).

How do I do that?

+2  A: 

Using regex.

var matches = Regex.Matches(text, "<(.*?)>");
List<string> words = new List<string>();

for (int i = 0; i < matches.Count; i++)

Of course, this assumes you already have the file's text in a variable. Since you have to read the entire file to achieve that, you could look for the words as you are reading the stream, but I don't know what the performance trade off would be.

Joel Potter
Joel, with your assumption as a given, would regex be faster than string replace or string format?
@Joel I think you meant `.*?`
Ahmad Mageed
Thanks Ahmad. @Pierreten, unless you know the words ahead of time, you won't be able to use replace.
Joel Potter
+2  A: 

Having a stream for your file, you can build something similar to a typical tokenizer.

In general terms, this works as a finite state machine: you need an enumeration for the states (in this case could be simplified down to a boolean, but I'll give you the general approach so you can reuse it on similar tasks); and a function implementing the logic. C#'s iterators are quite a fit for this problem, so I'll be using them on the snippet below. Your function will take the stream as an argument, will use an enumerated value and a char buffer internally, and will yield the strings one by one. You'll need this near the start of your code file:

using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using System.Text;

And then, inside your class, something like this:

enum States {
IEnumerable<string> GetStrings(TextReader reader) {
    States state=States.OUT;
    StringBuilder buffer;
    int ch;
    while((ch=reader.Read())>=0) {
        switch(state) {
            case States.OUT:
                if(ch=='<') {
                    buffer=new StringBuilder();
            case States.IN:
                if(ch=='>') {
                    yield return buffer.ToString();
                } else {

The finite-state machine model always has the same layout: while(READ_INPUT) { switch(STATE) {...}}: inside each case of the switch, you may be producing output and/or altering the state. Beyond that, the algorithm is defined in terms of states and state changes: for any given state and input combination, there is an exact new state and output combination (the output can be "nothing" on those states that trigger no output; and the state may be the same old state if no state change is triggered).

Hope this helps.

EDIT: forgot to mention a couple of things:

1) You get a TextReader to pass to the function by creating a StreamReader for a file, or a StringReader if you already have the file on a string.

2) The memory and time costs of this approach are O(n), with n being the length of the file. They seem quite reasonable for this kind of task.

This is exactly what I was referring to in my answer. It would be nice to see a benchmark of this vs. the regex approach.
Joel Potter
+1  A: 

This is not an answer, but comments can't do this:

You should place some of your objects into using blocks. Something like this:

using(StreamReader sr = File.OpenText(HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath(txt)))
    copy = sr.ReadToEnd();
} // reader is closed by the end of the using block

//remove the word specified UC 
copy = copy.Replace(word.ToUpper(), "#" + word.ToUpper());    

//save new copy into existing text file 

FileInfo newText = new FileInfo(HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath(txt));

using(var newCopy = newText.CreateText())

The using block ensures that resources are cleaned up even if an exception is thrown.

John Saunders