As a follow-up to this question, I need help with the following scenario:
In Oracle, given a simple data table:
create table data (
id VARCHAR2(255),
key VARCHAR2(255),
value CLOB);
I am using the following merge command:
merge into data
using (
? id,
? key,
? value
) val on (
and data.key=val.key
when matched then
update set data.value = val.value
when not matched then
insert (id, key, value) values (, val.key, val.value);
I am invoking the query via JDBC from a Java application.
When the "value" string is large, the above query results in the following Oracle error:
ORA-01461: cannot bind a LONG value for insert into a long column
I even set the "SetBigStringTryClob" property as documented here with the same result.
Is it possible to achieve the behavior I want given that "value" is a CLOB?
EDIT: Client environment is Java