What's the cheapest way to upgrade from standard VS2008 to VS2010?
I looked on the web and it looked like they wanted a monkey for it (£500). This seems steep for an individual wanting to upgrade using taxed money.
What's the cheapest way to upgrade from standard VS2008 to VS2010?
I looked on the web and it looked like they wanted a monkey for it (£500). This seems steep for an individual wanting to upgrade using taxed money.
There will be a free, express edition of VS2010. You'll be missing some features, of course, but hey, it's free. You can see a feature chart in the VS2010 Express Beta 2 section at the weblink below.
According to Soma's website if you wait until the launch then you can get a special discount price :) - this should put the UK upgrade at around £270.
Still no upgrade pricing matching the $299 (VS2008) Standard -> (VS2010) Pro offer for devs in the States, our UK prices seem to not include this offer - at least not yet (see http://store.microsoft.com/microsoft/Visual-Studio-2010-Professional-Upgrade-Promo-for-VS-Standard-Users/product/BE303EE9?ref_ck=VS2010_StdPromo&WT.mc_id=VS2010_StdPromo).
A few are asking on ScottGu's nad Soma's blog about this, but so far no response from either unfortunately.