



I'm evaluating JasperReport and iReport, a requirement is the possibility to produce a multiple page report in which every page contains a different report.

Page 1 contains an actual invoice for a customer
Page 2 contains the invoices list for the customer
Page 3 contains a graph of amount of invoices by year
Page 4 contains only fixed text (say operator instructions ...)

Is it possible to create such a unique report instead of creating four standalone report and then merge the pdfs.

Thank a lot.


+1  A: 

Yes, it is possible. You can create the whole report as a composition of four separate subreports. This will enable their reusability and separation of concerns.

Boris Pavlović

Yes, you can even include reports that has no relation to the customer "if that makes sense".

Also, to make things even more entertaining, after completing this report, you can put it in another parent report, then you will get the same report for multiple customers.
