I'm trying to write an "after update" trigger that does a batch update on all child records of the record that has just been updated. This needs to be able to handle 15k+ child records at a time. Unfortunately, the limit appears to be 100, which is so far below my needs it's not even close to acceptable. I haven't tried splitting the records into batches of 100 each, since this will still put me at a cap of 10k updates per trigger execution. (Maybe I could just daisy-chain triggers together? ugh.)
Does anyone know what series of hoops I can jump through to overcome yet another ridiculously short-sighted limitation by this awful development "platform"?
Edit: I calling following @future function in my trigger, but it never updates the child records:
global class ParentChildBulkUpdater
public static void UpdateChildDistributors(String parentId) {
Account[] children = [SELECT Id FROM Account WHERE ParentId = :parentId];
for(Account child : children)
child.Site = 'Bulk Updater Fired';
update children;