


1 got me started with reading id3 tags, but i realize that taglib# online deals with local file paths ?

Is there a way of reading this info from a remote file ?


Tim Heuer has a good blog post on doing this.

Like yourself, he also ran into the problem of TabLib# only using local paths.

One thing that TagLib# didn’t have was a stream input implementation. Most of the libraries, in fact, assumed a local file path. Luckily the library was written using a generic ‘File’ interface, so I just had to create my own StreamFileAbstraction. I chose to do this within my project rather than the base library. It was easy since the LocalFileAbstraction actually perfomed an Open on the file as it’s first task and set some public variables. My abstraction basically just hands the stream already and ready to go.

There is an example on the novell site that uses file abstraction. http://
