




image two lists for selecting roles for a new user creation in an administrator frontend. One list has all available roles in it and another has the selected roles in it. Between those lists are buttons to move elements from one list to another. Thus the layout is horizontal with [List] [Buttons] [List].

Now to the question: Should the selected elements be on the left, or the right list?

Intuitively some people I asked say, that the selected elements have to be on the right list. But some other people follow some sort of guideline that says, that the more important stuff in a frontend has to be on the left side. Also they think the selected elements are more important than the non-selected and so the selected ones have to be on the left side.

Whats your opinion?


I personally dislike the left and right selection lists as they seem (to me anyway) counter-intuitive. Instead I would go with a checkbox solution of all available roles and check the ones which you wish for your users to have.

Something similar to the following:

[x] Role 1
[ ] Role 2
[x] Role 3
[x] Role 4
this approach is not so good if you have a lot of roles (roles was just an example). the lists support multiselection, which is quite handy.
+1  A: 

Selected items in the right.

I can't think of a piece of software that has it otherwise.

is there maybe some written down guideline that specifies it like this?
I think it is a western thing - why do we write from left to right? Maybe in Arabic-specific (not just translated to Arabic) software selection is right to left following the language flow.