I'm looking for one line code examples in various languages for getting a valid MD5 result (as a string, not a bytehash or what have you). For instance:
PHP: $token = md5($var1 . $var2);
I found VB especially troublesome to do in one line.
I'm looking for one line code examples in various languages for getting a valid MD5 result (as a string, not a bytehash or what have you). For instance:
PHP: $token = md5($var1 . $var2);
I found VB especially troublesome to do in one line.
token = __import__('md5').new(var1 + var2).hexdigest()
or, if md5
is alrady imported:
token = md5.new(var1 + var2).hexdigest()
Thanks to Greg Hewgill
There is a kind of universality in how this is to be accomplished. Typically, one defines a routine called md5_in_one_line
(or Md5InOneLine
) once, and uses it all over the place, just as one would use a library routine.
So for example, once one defines Md5InOneLine
in C#, it's an easy one-liner to get the right results.
Does it really matter if you can do MD5 in one line. If it's that much trouble that you can't do it in VB in 1 line, then write your own function. Then, when you need to do MD5 in VB in one line, just call that function.
If doing it all in 1 line of code is all that important, here is 1 line of VB. that doesn't use the System.Web Namespace.
Dim MD5 As New System.Security.Cryptography.MD5CryptoServiceProvider() : Dim HashBytes() As Byte : Dim MD5Str As String = "" : HashBytes = MD5.ComputeHash(System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("MyString")) : For i As Integer = 0 To HashBytes.Length - 1 : MD5Str &= HashBytes(i).ToString("x").PadLeft(2, "0") : Next
This will hash "MyString" and store the MD5 sum in MD5Str.
string hash = System.Web.Security.FormsAuthentication.HashPasswordForStoringInConfigFile(input, "md5");
VB is virtually the same.
Here it is not using the System.Web namespace:
string hash = Convert.ToBase64String(newSystem.Security.Cryptography.MD5CryptoServiceProvider().ComputeHash(System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(input)));
Or in readable form:
string hash =
(new System.Security.Cryptography.MD5CryptoServiceProvider()
Aren't you really just asking "what languages have std. library support for MD5?" As Justice said, in any language that supports it, it'll just be a function call storing the result in a string variable. Even without built-in support, you could write that function in any language!