




i hav developed a project on firewall in ubuntu c. and want to create its setup file so that it can be run easily on any system without having gcc compiler. how can i do that??? do i need any third party installer?

thanks in advance


Installers usually do some configuration, setting registry, file operations etc... Many Linux based systems use packaging systems, which do not need setup, because its give by the package configuration... So if you want to distribute your project cross-platform, you would need different installers for different systems. If you want to distribute only one package, than there must some kind of compilation take place and that means, user has to have compiler toolchain ready and the most you can do is to specify different build systems configurations and project files and write only in pure standard C code. The easiest thing for you and your user would be using some sort of programming language which runs on virtual machine, which can be easily downloaded and installed by the user and can run the same code on different systems. This was popularized mainly by the Java language - "Write once, run anywhere".

Gabriel Ščerbák