



Which parts of the framework require a user to be more than a Standard User? The reason I'm asking is because I'm trying to compile a list of possible issues with our existing applications when migrating to Windows 7.

Now, I can think of a few things myself:

  • Writing to Eventlog
  • Writing to Registry Keys outside of Current_User scope
  • Getting an Environment variable
  • etc...

I really would like a more complete list and so far I've not come across a decent resource in which all this stuff is listed.

Note that I'm not looking for ways of elevating the priviliges for the existing apps (which can be done by using a manifest), I'm simply idenitifying actions in code that might cause issues.

+8  A: 

Well, your examples don't really have anything to do with Windows 7 or .NET. Actually they were already part of the "Designed for Windows NT 4.0" logo requirements. If you have written your application in a way that non-admin users were able to run it on NT, Win2k or XP, it will just work fine on Vista/Win7.

There is another common pitfall when you run your software on x64 systems (however this too isn't specific to Win7 but is true e. g. for Win2003 Server x64 or Win XP x64 as well): If you are working with native 32-bit code, like calls to a native DLL or COM interop with a in-process component), make sure to select "x86" as the platform target in Visual Studio project settings instead of "Any CPU". Otherwise your application will run as a 64 bit process, and you can't mix 32 and 64 bit code in the same process, so you would run into errors.

And of course, as it always has been best practice, use Environment.GetSpecialFolders instead of hard-coded paths.

how does this answer the question?
@Alex - "Well, your examples don't really have anything to do with Windows 7 or .NET". There are no .Net framework parts that require administrative privileges. There are framework classes, which wrap OS functionality that might require admin privileges. However, there's no easy way to say whether particular .Net method will get to such a feature.
Franci Penov
+2  A: 

One place to get a partial list is to look in the "Local Group Policy Editor" where you can check what Logon rights and Privileges are only assigned to administrators by default.

That's an interesting approach. Since Corp.IT has a tendency to overuse the policies at my client's site, this might lead to good results as well.
Ruben Steins
+6  A: 

Thinking of it as "What library calls" is going to lead you down the wrong path. Think about anything that writes to a file. If that file is under Program Files (among other places), you need admin privs. If it's under AppData, you don't. Same library call, different outcomes. Ditto for writing to the registry - HKLM you need admin, HKCU you don't. Writing to Event Log is generally ok but creating your event source is not. And so on. It's not about what method you call, it's more about the params (eg path) you pass to it.

Kate Gregory
+2  A: 

Named Pipes can cause issues. Normally this isn't an issue, but use of Named Pipes is now increasing with WCF supporting them natively for IPC transport.

Jason Coyne
Thanks. I'll add that to my list as well.
Ruben Steins
+3  A: 

I don't believe getting environment variables need elevating privledges. At least I've never run into it, are there really cases where that's true?

You may be right. My approach was to first compile a list of possible painpoints and then determine for each of them whether or not I run into trouble.
Ruben Steins
+2  A: 

Nothing in .Net framework requires administrative privileges. Everything that has to do with user-level security is controlled by the OS, and whether admin privileges are required is a matter of OS configuration. Thus, the framework can't make the determination whether it needs to require elevation.

You should be thinking not in terms of "What in the .Net framework requires elevation?", but in terms of "What OS features is my app using that require admin elevation in the default configuration". And as @Marcus said, "Designed for Windows NT 4.0" logo requirements is a very good starting point to determine which OS features your app should be avoiding if it's designed to run as regular user.

Franci Penov
Point taken. The thing is, if I can narrow it down to a set of libraries, it will become possible to scan (all) codebases on the occurance of any of those, which would quickly indicate possible issues.
Ruben Steins
I understand what you want to achieve, but it'll be hard to automatically scan and flag such calls. Mostly because the admin elevation often is triggered not by the method call itself, but by the parameters passed to that method call.
Franci Penov
Admin elevation isn't triggered by method calls at all. What might be triggered is "failing if you aren't elevated". Those are different.
Kate Gregory
+1  A: 

You can use the Luapriv checks from the Application Verifier to help you find issues. Also the Standard User Analyzer will help you.

Daniel Rose
Those are great resources. They will certainly help me a lot in getting my job done. Thanks!
Ruben Steins
Ruben Steins
+1  A: 

If I'm understanding your question correctly, Visual Studio can calculate this for you...

Just go to your project's properties, click on Security tab and check "Enable ClickOnce Security Settings" checkbox. Select "This is a partial trust application" radio button and then click on "Calculate Permissions" button.

VS will place a checkmark next to each permission like IO, Registry, etc your application requires...

Wow. That seems like a good approach.
Ruben Steins

I seriously doubt there is a way to get a complete list of .NET calls that require elevation of privileges.

BTW writing to the Event Log doesn't require elevation, however creating an Event Log source does require elevation.

The best way to find out which parts of your code have issues is by testing on Win7 and see what breaks, not elegant but does the job. If you are looking to create time estimates for this task, then you might have to spend a day or two hacking through your app: run on Win7, see what breaks, make note of it, comment/avoid/disable that section, and repeat until you think you have enough a of list of things to address.

Chris O
If it were only a single app I'm checking I agree that your approach would be good. However, we're talking about 250+ applications unfortunately. And I want to prevent having to run all of them one by one.
Ruben Steins
Then you totally want the LUA (or standard user) analyser, it will watch the app run and tell you what it's doing. Get the toolkit from the links in the other answer for sure.
Kate Gregory