I'm working on an extension method that's only applicable to reference types. I think, however, it's currently boxing and unboxing the the value. How can I avoid this?
namespace System
public static class SystemExtensions
public static TResult GetOrDefaultIfNull<T, TResult>(this T obj, Func<T, TResult> getValue, TResult defaultValue)
if (obj == null)
return defaultValue;
return getValue(obj);
Example usage:
public class Foo
public int Bar { get; set; }
In some method:
Foo aFooObject = new Foo { Bar = 1 };
Foo nullReference = null;
Console.WriteLine(aFooObject.GetOrDefaultIfNull((o) => o.Bar, 0)); // results: 1
Console.WriteLine(nullReference.GetOrDefaultIfNull((o) => o.Bar, 0)); // results: 0