



This might sound crazy to you, but I need a Nullable<T> (where T is a struct) to return a different type for it's Value property.

Rules being if Nullable<T>'s Property HasValue is true, Value will always return an object of a different specified type (then itself).

I might be over thinking this, but this unit test bellow kind of shows what I want to do.

    public struct Bob

    public class BobTest
            public void Test_Nullable_Bob_Returns_Joe()
                    Joe joe = null;
                    Bob? bob;
                    var bobHasValue = bob.HasValue; // returns if Bob is null

                            joe = bob.Value; //Bob returns a Joe
+3  A: 

Are you look for a user-defined implicit conversion? If so, you can define one on Bob:

class Bob {
    static public implicit operator Joe(Bob theBob) {
       // return whatever here...

If you can't do this because you don't have access to change Bob, you could always consider writing an extension method:

public static class BobExt {
    public static Joe ToJoe( this Bob theBob ) {
        return whatever; // your logic here...

    joe = bob.Value.ToJoe(); // Bob converted to a Joe
Nice one! Don't you want an `implicit` though?
@Kobi: Haha. I need to cut back on the coffee. Yes, thank you - I fixed my example.
If I remember correctly, the conversion operator is not required to be defined within the class.
Zach Johnson
@Zach Johnson: I don't this so. Take a look at this:
@LBushkin: Oops! Yes, you are correct. I sure thought I remembered doing it at one point, but I guess not...
Zach Johnson
I think implicit conversion could work well in what I am trying to accomplish, thank you.