



I am using a fictional example for this. Say, I have a Widget class like:

abstract class Widget
Widget parent;

Now, my other classes would be derived from this Widget class, but suppose I want to put some constraint in the class while defining the derived types such that only a particular "type" of widget can be parent to a particular type of Widget.

For example, I have derived two more widgets from the Widget class, WidgetParent and WidgetChild. While defining the child class, I want to define the type of parent as WidgetParent, so that I dont have to type cast the parent every time I use it.

Precisely, what I would have liked to do is this:

// This does not works!
class Widget<PType>: where PType: Widget
    PType parent;

class WidgetParent<Widget>
    public void Slap();

class WidgetChild<WidgetParent>

So that when I want to access the parent of WidgetChild, instead of using it this way:

WidgetParent wp = wc.parent as WidgetParent;
if(wp != null)
else throw FakeParentException();

I want to use it this way(if I could use generics):


I don't think there is a language mechanism that would allow you to do that.

However, you might want to use a Factory pattern to separate the construction of the class from the class itself.

Say, make a WidgetFactory class

class WidgetFactory
    Widget CreateWidget()
        return new Widget();

And for child classes, you'd make their factory as well. Say, a WidgetParentFactory or WidgetChildFactory or you could make a generic factory:

class WidgetFactory<T> where T : Widget
    T CreateWidget()
        return new T();

Then from the CreateWidget() method you could control class instantiation so that invalid child types can not be created.

class WidgetFactory<T> where T : Widget
    T CreateWidget()
        if (/*check the type T inheritance here*/)
            return new T();
            throw new Exception("Invalid inheritance");

This should do the trick for you.

p.s. Would you care to elaborate on why you wanted to do this?

Thanks for the effort, chakrit. I have elaborated the usage.
Ok I see now. Will edit when I got home.
+2  A: 

You should be able to use the code you've got by still having the non-generic class Widget and making Widget<T> derive from it:

public abstract class Widget

public abstract class Widget<T> : Widget where T : Widget

You then need to work out what belongs in the generic class and what belongs in the non-generic... from experience, this can be a tricky balancing act. Expect to go back and forth a fair amount!

Jon Skeet

You seem to be confusing type parameters and inheritance. This should work:

class Widget<PType> where PType :new()
    public PType parent = new PType();

class ParentType {}

class WidgetParent : Widget<ParentType> 
    public void Slap() {Console.WriteLine("Slap"); }

class WidgetChild : Widget<WidgetParent>
public static void RunSnippet()
 WidgetChild wc = new WidgetChild();
James Curran
I'd assumed the point was to constrain the parent type to also be a widget of some kind though.
Jon Skeet
@Jon: Exactly,the parent has the said constraint.
+1  A: 

Use interfaces:

interface IContainerWidget { }

class Widget
    private IContainerWidget Container;

class ContainerWidget : Widget, IContainerWidget
Lasse V. Karlsen

Here's my stab at organizing this.

public interface IWidget
    void Behave();
    IWidget Parent { get; }

public class AWidget : IWidget
    IWidget IWidget.Parent { get { return this.Parent; } }
    void IWidget.Behave() { this.Slap(); }

    public BWidget Parent { get; set; }
    public void Slap() { Console.WriteLine("AWidget is slapped!"); }

public class BWidget : IWidget
    IWidget IWidget.Parent { get { return this.Parent; } }
    void IWidget.Behave() { this.Pay(); }

    public AWidget Parent { get; set; }
    public void Pay() { Console.WriteLine("BWidget is paid!"); }

public class WidgetTester
    public void AWidgetTestThroughIWidget()
        IWidget myWidget = new AWidget() { Parent = new BWidget() };
    public void AWidgetTest()
        AWidget myWidget = new AWidget() { Parent = new BWidget() };

    public void BWidgetTestThroughIWidget()
        IWidget myOtherWidget = new BWidget() { Parent = new AWidget() };

    public void BWidgetTest()
        BWidget myOtherWidget = new BWidget() { Parent = new AWidget() };
David B

I had a similar issue and adapted it to suit this (hopefully)

Main Code

public class Parent<T>
    where T : Child<T>
    public Parent() { }

    public T Get()
        return Activator.CreateInstance(typeof(T), new object[] { this }) as T;

public class Child<T>
    where T : Child<T>
    Parent<T> _parent;

    public Parent<T> Parent { get { return _parent; } }

    public Child(Parent<T> parent)
        _parent = parent;

public class ItemCollection : Parent<Item>


public class Item : Child<Item>
    public Item(Parent<Item> parent)
        : base(parent)

Example :

ItemCollection col = new ItemCollection();
Item item = col.Get();
Tim Jarvis