Judging from your comment that you need to know 'ultimately find out if the most outer statement ends up being true or false' then you don't need to parse the expression, you need to evaluate it. You can try with a sp_executesql:
declare @sql nvarchar(max);
declare @result bit;
-- consider @expression has the expression to be evaluated
-- eg. @expression = '(@SOMEVAR=4 OR @SOMEVAR=5) AND (NOT @OTHERVAR=''Y'')';
set @sql = N'set @result=case when ' + @expression + N' then 1 else 0 end;';
exec sp_executesql @sql, N'@SOMEVAR int, @OTHERVAR vachar(max), @result bit output', @SOMEVAR, @OTHERVAR, @result output;
SELECT @result;
While this does what you're interested (evaluate an expression), it has major problems:
- it is open to SQL Injection, the @expression must be trusted input
- @expression can only reference local variables you pass in during sp_executesql
- you need to pass in all local variable to sp_executesql, or at least all local variables that can appear in @expression
- is difficult to maintain as any new local variable has to be passed on to sp_executesql (both declared as parameter and actually added as parameter)
- any error in the @expression will be propagated up as an execution error (you can wrap in a BEGIN TRY/BEGIN CATCH to prevent this)
I don't know your specific context, but try to consider whether the evaluation is necessary. I don't say downright it isn't, since I myself had to deal with similar problems (expressions coming from configuration tables that needed to be evaluated).