




I am doing a pmap on a tomcat process and I am seeing some huge anon blocks. From what I read anon blocks are used for thread stacks and for JNI. I have a very moderate thread count. How can I go about finding out what is causing these huge anon blocks?

00000000ee0d0000 26752K rwx-- [ anon ]

00000000efaf0000 33792K rwx-- [ anon ]

00000000f1bf0000 25856K rwx-- [ anon ]

00000000f3530000 39680K rwx-- [ anon ]

( on a side note is pmap the correct way to measure how much memory is allocated to tomcat?)


Anonymous memory mappings are used for just about anything that needs some dynamically allocated memory, including e.g. thread stacks ,but also the heap.


I have the same issue, By pmap, I found 697 [ anon ] blocks in my java application that used JNI. It exhausted the memory. When I comment the following line codes, the issue disappear.

jEnv->CallBooleanMethod(m_jobj, jmid, jData);

the method is pass a object from c++ to java side, it's called for many times (> 10000000)

But I cannot comment it, I need to call the method.

It's caused by JDK Bug6200343(memory leak in many jni calls (NewString etc.) ? my jdk version is java version "1.6.0_19" Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.6.0_19-b04) Java HotSpot(TM) Server VM (build 16.2-b04, mixed mode)
