This is a tricky problem, because if you're implementing the method to calculate distance between two objects using the nearest point, you really need to know what are the types of both of the objects. If you were comparing it using for example the center point, then it would be easy - you'd just add GetCenter
method, but that simply doesn't work in this case.
The problem is that class hierarchies are useful if you can design them as extensible - that is, allow adding of other types without modifying the existing ones. This is not the case here, because when you add Ellipse
you'll need to implement DistancePointEllipse
, DistanceTriangleEllipse
, and so on... It would be much easier to represent this using algebraic data type known from functional languages. For example in F#:
type Shape =
| Circle of float * float * float // center & radius
| Point of float * float // center
Then you could use pattern matching to handle all possible cases:
match shape1, shape2 with
| Circle(x1, y1, r1), Circle(x2, y2, r2) -> // two circles
| Point(x1, y1), Point(x2, y2) -> // two points
| Circle(cx, cy, r), Point(px, py)
| Point(px, py), Circle(cx, cy, r) ->
// point and a circle (both combinations
Functional programming simply seems to be a better fit for this problem :-).
Anyway, one possible (but still non-extensibel) object-oriented design would be to have Shape
base class with methods DistanceToPoint
, DistanceToTriangle
, etc. that calculate the distance from the current type to the other type of shape (as you really need all the combinations).
Another approach would be to simply write overloaded method in C#:
float Distance(Triangle t, Point p);
float Distance(Triangle t, Circle c);
// ... etc
The nice thing about this option is that you could easily reduce the number of methods you need to write. For example if you have a case for Ellipse
and Point
, you can inherit Circle
from Ellipse
and then use the existing case when comparing Circle
with Point
as well.