



Is it possible to define an implicit conversion of enums in c#?

something that could achieve this?

public enum MyEnum
    one = 1, two = 2

MyEnum number =;
long i = number;

If not, why not!! :)

+7  A: 

If you define the base of the enum as a long then you can perform explicit conversion. I don't know if you can use implicit conversions as enums cannot have methods defined on them.

public enum MyEnum : long
    one = 1,
    two = 2,

MyEnum number =;
long i = (long)number;

Also, be aware with this that an uninitalised enumeration will default to the 0 value, or the first item - so in the situation above it would probably be best to define zero = 0 as well.

You don't need the `: long` here; the explicit conversion would work fine without it. The only legal implicit conversion is zero.
Marc Gravell
I thought all enums where longs by default? Therefore explicit conversions to longs already exists?
Adam Naylor
No; the default enum is Int32
Marc Gravell
ints by default, you can make then any whole-numeric type (byte, short, int, long)
See: enum Foo { A, B, C} Console.WriteLine(Enum.GetUnderlyingType(typeof(Foo)));
Marc Gravell

You cannot declare implicit conversions on enum types, because they can't define methods. The C# implicit keyword compiles into a method starting with 'op_', and it wouldn't work in this case.

+2  A: 

You probably could, but not for the enum (you can't add a method to it). You could add an implicit conversion to you own class to allow an enum to be converted to it,

public class MyClass {

    public static implicit operator MyClass ( MyEnum input ) {

MyClass m = MyEnum.One;

The question would be why?

In general .Net avoids (and you should too) any implicit conversion where data can be lost.


Introducing implicit conversions for enum types would break type safety, so I'd not recommend to do that. Why would you want to do that? The only use case for this I've seen is when you want to put the enum values into a structure with a pre-defined layout. But even then, you can use the enum type in the structure and just tell the Marshaller what he should do with this.

+4  A: 

You can't do implict conversions (except for zero), and you can't write your own instance methods - however, you can probably write your own extension methods:

public enum MyEnum { A, B, C }
public static class MyEnumExt
    public static int Value(this MyEnum foo) { return (int)foo; }
    static void Main()
        MyEnum val = MyEnum.A;
        int i = val.Value();

This doesn't give you a lot, though (compared to just doing an explicit cast).

One of the main times I've seen people want this is for doing [Flags] manipulation via generics - i.e. a bool IsFlagSet<T>(T value, T flag); method. Unfortunately, C# 3.0 doesn't support operators on generics, but you can get around this using things like this, which make operators fully available with generics.

Marc Gravell
Yeah, that was one of my most wanted for C#4: and
@Keith - good job it made it, then ;-p The dynamic/operator support didn't make it into the CTP, but I've got a test rig ready-to-roll to compare the two approaches for operators with dynamic (vs generics/Expression) when it gets there.
Marc Gravell
@Keith - you might want to give the Operator class in MiscUtil a whirl; I'm pretty sure it'll do most of what you want.
Marc Gravell
+3  A: 

There is a solution. Consider the following:

public sealed class AccountStatus
    public static readonly AccountStatus Open = new AccountStatus(1);
    public static readonly AccountStatus Closed = new AccountStatus(2);

    private AccountStatus(byte value)
        this.Value = value;
        Values.Add(value, this);

    public static readonly SortedList<byte, AccountStatus> Values = new SortedList<byte, AccountStatus>();
    private readonly byte Value;

    public static implicit operator AccountStatus(byte value)
        return Values[byte];

    public static implicit operator byte(AccountStatus value)
        return value.Value;

The above offers implicit conversion:

        AccountStatus openedAccount = 1;            // Works
        byte openedValue = AccountStatus.Open;      // Works

This is a fair bit more work than declaring a normal enum (though you can refactor some of the above into a common generic base class). You can go even further by having the base class implement IComparable & IEquatable, as well as adding methods to return the value of DescriptionAttributes, declared names, etc, etc.

I wrote a base class (RichEnum<>) to handle most fo the grunt work, which eases the above declaration of enums down to:

public sealed class AccountStatus : RichEnum<byte, AccountStatus>
    public static readonly AccountStatus Open = new AccountStatus(1);
    public static readonly AccountStatus Closed = new AccountStatus(2);

    private AccountStatus(byte value) : base (value)

    public static implicit operator AccountStatus(byte value)
        return Convert(byte);

The base class (RichEnum) is listed below.

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Linq;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Resources;

namespace Ethica
    using Reflection;
    using Text;

    [DebuggerDisplay("{Value} ({Name})")]
    public abstract class RichEnum<TValue, TDerived>
                : IEquatable<TDerived>,
                  IComparable, IComparer<TDerived>
        where TValue : struct , IComparable<TValue>, IEquatable<TValue>
        where TDerived : RichEnum<TValue, TDerived>
        #region Backing Fields

        /// <summary>
        /// The value of the enum item
        /// </summary>
        public readonly TValue Value;

        /// <summary>
        /// The public field name, determined from reflection
        /// </summary>
        private string _name;

        /// <summary>
        /// The DescriptionAttribute, if any, linked to the declaring field
        /// </summary>
        private DescriptionAttribute _descriptionAttribute;

        /// <summary>
        /// Reverse lookup to convert values back to local instances
        /// </summary>
        private static SortedList<TValue, TDerived> _values;

        private static bool _isInitialized;


        #region Constructors

        protected RichEnum(TValue value)
            if (_values == null)
                _values = new SortedList<TValue, TDerived>();
            this.Value = value;
            _values.Add(value, (TDerived)this);


        #region Properties

        public string Name
                return _name;

        public string Description

                if (_descriptionAttribute != null)
                    return _descriptionAttribute.Description;

                return _name;


        #region Initialization

        private static void CheckInitialized()
            if (!_isInitialized)
                ResourceManager _resources = new ResourceManager(typeof(TDerived).Name, typeof(TDerived).Assembly);

                var fields = typeof(TDerived)
                                .GetFields(BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.GetField | BindingFlags.Public)
                                .Where(t => t.FieldType == typeof(TDerived));

                foreach (var field in fields)

                    TDerived instance = (TDerived)field.GetValue(null);
                    instance._name = field.Name;
                    instance._descriptionAttribute = field.GetAttribute<DescriptionAttribute>();

                    var displayName = field.Name.ToPhrase();
                _isInitialized = true;


        #region Conversion and Equality

        public static TDerived Convert(TValue value)
            return _values[value];

        public static bool TryConvert(TValue value, out TDerived result)
            return _values.TryGetValue(value, out result);

        public static implicit operator TValue(RichEnum<TValue, TDerived> value)
            return value.Value;

        public static implicit operator RichEnum<TValue, TDerived>(TValue value)
            return _values[value];

        public static implicit operator TDerived(RichEnum<TValue, TDerived> value)
            return value;

        public override string ToString()
            return _name;


        #region IEquatable<TDerived> Members

        public override bool Equals(object obj)
            if (obj != null)
                if (obj is TValue)
                    return Value.Equals((TValue)obj);

                if (obj is TDerived)
                    return Value.Equals(((TDerived)obj).Value);
            return false;

        bool IEquatable<TDerived>.Equals(TDerived other)
            return Value.Equals(other.Value);

        public override int GetHashCode()
            return Value.GetHashCode();


        #region IComparable Members

        int IComparable<TDerived>.CompareTo(TDerived other)
            return Value.CompareTo(other.Value);

        int IComparable.CompareTo(object obj)
            if (obj != null)
                if (obj is TValue)
                    return Value.CompareTo((TValue)obj);

                if (obj is TDerived)
                    return Value.CompareTo(((TDerived)obj).Value);
            return -1;

        int IComparer<TDerived>.Compare(TDerived x, TDerived y)
            return (x == null) ? -1 :
                   (y == null) ? 1 :


        public static IEnumerable<TDerived> Values
                return _values.Values;

        public static TDerived Parse(string name)
            foreach (TDerived value in _values.Values)
                if (0 == string.Compare(value.Name, name, true) || 0 == string.Compare(value.DisplayName, name, true))
                    return value;

            return null;

@Mark: Thank you very much! It helps.
